Afghanistan Film Festival Hamburg

Afghanistan Film Festival Hamburg

The Afghanistan Film Festival in Hamburg in 2009, already celebrated a different brand of new Afghan filmmaking. In fact, a second generation is about to make its way on top of the successful first generation of young directors, actors and producers who dug their way right after 2001.  We initiated the festival in Hamburg since it is by far the city in Germany with the biggest community of Afghans. Out of the more than 100.000 Afghan citizens who lived in Germany before the current refugee crisis, a third or so were in Hamburg.  Same as for DOK Leipzig/Afghanistan from Inside, a panel discussion served as a long awaited opportunity by the local community to exchange on Afghan cinematography, historical heritage and identity and with our Afghan guests flown in from Kabul and Herat.

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Cutator Film Festival Hamburg (PDF)
The Afghanistan Film Festival Hamburg

In cooperation with the Hamburg Kinemathek, Afghanistan Schulen and the city of Hamburg.