Radio Features

Here is a non-exhaustive list of some of my recent audio features and work from the past twenty years, some of them Award winners or competing in Award competitions:
Turkey, Iraq & Middle East
Kaukasus: Georgiens weiter Weg nach Westen / Deutschlandfunk Kultur, sept. 2018 (here)
Irak: Schreiben für die Freiheit. Junge Autorinnen im Irak. ( listen and download here and here)
Iraq: Writing for freedom. Young female authors in Iraq / Deutschlandfunk Kultur, march 2018
Iraq: Mosul after the end of the ISIS ‚caliphate‘ / Irak. Mossul nach dem Ende des IS-‚Kalifats’s
Iraq: Mosul offensive – Refugees in fear of IS perpetrators, Deutschlandfunk 1/10/2017
Iraq: The fate of the Christians, Deutschlandfunk 2/08/2017
Iraq: Awaiting the Mosul offensive: On the frontline between Peshmerga and IS Mossul,
Deutschlandfunk, 09-30th-2016
Iraq: Kirkuk, the oil and the IS, Deutschlandfunk, 10-27th-2016
Iraq: War, crisis and political depression : New Exodus of Iraqi youth?, 10-29th-2016
Turkey: Diyarbakir’s old town after destruction: hopes and fears
may 2016, (for the audio activate the button on the picture), Deutschlandfunk DLF
Jordan: The plight of Syrian urban refugees, april 2016, Deutschlandfunk DLF
Turkey: A deadly autumn in the Kurdish territories
oct 2015 (for the audio push the triangle button on the right of the picture), Deutschlandfunk DLF
Turkey: Diyarbakir curfew, revolt and victims
oct 2015 (for the audio push the triangle button on the right of the picture), Deutschlandfunk DLF
Endstation Serbien. Afghanen auf der Balkanroute / Dead End Serbia. Afghans on the route of the Balkans
DLF Kultur 06/27/2017
Picture Galery refugee route in Serbia
Ein Leben auf der Suche nach Hoffnung / Report: the life of refugees in Serbia, DLF Kultur 06/27/2017
Why Western anti-migration campaigns do not deter Afghans from leaving their country
Deutschlandfunk DLF 2015 (for audio push the button once the page opens)
Forced 2016-mass migration from Pakistan threatens to destabilize Afghanistan, DLF 01/06/2017
Forced and voluntary migration back to Afghanistan, Deutschlandfunk 12/08/2016
Theater revival in Afghanistan amidst refugee crisis and terror attacks
DLF 2015 (for the audio push the triangle button on the right of the picture)
IS in Afghanistan: How real is the Daesh threat?
DLF 2015 (for the audio push the triangle button on the right of the picture)
Finding Afghanistan – A photo exhibition
together with audios features as you click through the pictures in the link, DLF 2015/16
How the Afghanistan war started
DLF 2001
How the Afghanistan war started – 2001
Srinagar & Jihad: the Cashmere conflict
DLF 2001
The Cashmere Conflict
The crash of the last Concorde flight, Paris 2000
DLF 2000
Condorde Crash – Paris 2000
Football World Cup 1998: How German Hooligans nearly killed French policeman Daniel Nivel
DLF 1998 (Albingia Prize for Sports Journalism 1999)
WM 98 German Hooligans in Lens
Absenteeism: why political frustration makes non-voters the biggest party in many elections
DLF 2002
Party of the non voters