
Here is a non-exhaustive list of some of the interviews I am leading or have lead as presenter of DeutschlandRadio/Deutschlandfunk and as anchor man of the popular radio morning show on Deutschlandfunk, a radio show I had the pleasure to present for many years:
Iraq. Persecuted but compelled to dialogue between Christians and Muslims:
Chaldean Archbishop Bashar Warda/Erbil (here)
Turkey: the enforced conformity of Academics in Turkey and academic asylum seekers in Europe, DLF 12/18/2016
Turkey after the military coup and counter-coup
with Osman Okkan, journalist, documentary filmmaker and sociologist, DLF 2016
Is Turkey still a democracy?
with Recai Hallac, literary translator and simultaneous interpreter of nobel prize winner Orhan Pamuk
and formerly of Turkish President Recep Tayyib Erdogan, DLF 2016
Western and Islamic World and the 9’11 aftermath:
Georgia, the Chechen Wars and Jihadism in the Pankissi valley – an interview with Naira Gelaschwili
Deutschlandfunk oct. 11th 2018 (here)
Reforming Islam against the threat of Taliban and ISIS ideologies?
with Ali Amiri, expert on Islamic Studies and Afghan philosopher, 2016
Interview Ali Amiri Part 1 Part 1
Interview Ali Amiri Part 2 Part 2
9/11 and the aftermath.
With Swiss writer and author Adolf Muschg, DLF 2001
The Arab Revolution revisited,
with Stefan Weider, chief editor Art & Thought, expert on Islamic Studies & translator , DLF 2013
What trans-atlantic partnership ?
with former German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer, 2001
Interview Joschka Fischer
Hilters willige Vollstrecker?
with Daniel J. Goldhagen about his book Hitler’s Willing Executioners, 1996
Interview Daniel J. Goldhagen – Hitler’s Willing Executioners
How German terrorism came into being.
With Stefan Aust, publisher of Die Welt and ex editor-in-chief of DER SPIEGEL, on the history of the RAF, 2001
Interview Stefan Aust – Geschichte der RAF
35 years of French-German Elysée treaty.
With former French President Valérie Giscard d’Estaing, 1998
Interview Valery Giscard d’Estaing