Kolga Photo Tiflis/Georgia: Best shots 2015
Best shots of the year
Kolga Tbilisi Photo, Georgia 2015
The following pictures were selected as ‚Best single shots of the year 2015‘ at Kolga International Photo.
While Afgahnistan remains a traditional and deeply patriarchcal society, the influx of foreign aid programs has caused local values and gender models to be questioned. Advertisement billboards display western nudity and sex appeal, while the young Afghan generation is thrown into a clash of cultures. The youth are to make crucial decisions for the time ahead: either grow up with books and a dream of an eduction with a future in perspective, or stick to the rule of the gun and permanent crime rates. A life between extremes. With capitalism as an ambivalent intruder. Who and what has the capacity to fundamentally alter the Afghan cultural, social and political dynamics?
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